Like many things, not all fireplaces are created equal. There are differences between gas, log and ethanol fireplaces in terms of how they operate, the fuel they use, the ease and cost of installation, and how much heat they give off.
If we just look at ethanol fireplaces, they are not all created equal either. Some fireplaces are mainly for show and others are completely capable of providing substantial volumes of hot air.
All Ecosmart flueless fireplaces give off large amounts of hot air and in most circumstances are capable of providing adequate room warmth. The amount of warmth provided depends upon the size of the room to be heated, the height of the ceiling, whether or not the dwelling is multi level.
We often surprise customers with the amount of heat our demonstration models in our store are capable of producing. Often times we turn off our air conditioning and ventilation fans to show just how quickly the temperature in our showroom can increase. It doesn't usually take long before our customers are asking us to turn the air conditioning back on.
To see how much heat these fireplaces are capable of producing, it is easier to see our demonstrations in our store in the Sydney Suburb of St Leonards (Australia). We have various models that we can demonstrate
Ethanol fireplaces would not necessarily warm an environment any better than other heating solutions, but if correctly sized, would be capable of providing as much heat as any other heating system with several advantages.
1. Capital outlay:
In many circumstances the purchase cost of and installation cost of a ethanol flueless fireplace can be considerably less expensive than other systems.
2. Ease of Installation
Ethanol Fluless fireplaces do not require; a flue, a hearth, a hard fuel supply, or an electrical supply. Builders love installing these fireplaces because of the the simplicity of installation and owners love them because their installation costs are reduced.
3. Moisture added to the room space whilst heating
One of the products of combustion is steam. Not copius amounts that would produce condensation on windows and walls, but the kind that makes heating more comfortable.
4. The greenest fuel around
Ethanol is regarded as the greenest fuel since it is a sustainable renewable fuel.
5. Design Freedom
Architects and Interior Designers love Ethanol Fireplaces
The design freedom afforded by using Ethanol Flueless Fireplaces means that either you or your architect/designer has almost unlimited freedom in the final look and placement of your fireplace.
6. Multi-level dwelling installtions
Ethanol fireplaces don't need a flue, so you have no issues with routing flues through levels above.
7. Not stuck to an outside wall
Since Ethanol Flueless Fireplaces are...flueless, they can be put against any wall not just an external wall, or placed easily in the middle of a room for that wow factor!
8. Ease of Operation
These fireplaces are very simple to operate.
9. Fuel is Easy to Source
Denatured Ethanol (Methylated Spirits in Australia) is very ease to source and is not very expensive.